Saturday, February 19, 2011

Frame-A-Day: Week 7: 2/12-2/18

This is my first post for Nap Time Mom Tog's Project 364. I had started doing my own "Frame-A-Day" back on January 1, and I found her blog last week. After much internal debate, I am sharing my photos here through her blog. I did upload the first six weeks and if you are interested, they are posted prior to this post.
div align="center">NapTime MomTog Project 365

Shall we begin?

February 12--There were three in the crib??-On February sixth, we had "There were three in the bed," but it was really the floor of the family room. This morning, we had a more surprising variation of this...three kids in the crib?? They seem to enjoy the coziness.

February 13--Strike a Pose--We took a walk around our neighborhood with the sole purpose of capturing the height of these crazy "snowbanks". I think we need a whole new word for what we have now. A snowbank isn't taller than the average person, you know?

It's possible Earnest thought he was modeling for a JC Penney catalog or something. The boots make you invincible to the elements, you know.

February 14--Valentine Fun--Trust packing up the Valentines she and I made for her classmates with the Silhouette cutter, mainly on one snow day a few weeks ago. On the back, there is a Valentine word search.

February 15--Hot Dog Dance--Mickey Mouse is a favorite of Imp's of late. The boys were watching an episode of "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" and Trust came in at the end to do the "hot dog dance" that concludes each episode. In a coincidental twist, hot dogs were on the menu for dinner tonight as well.

February 16--Bookworm--Trust and I made a trip to the library this afternoon. Trust selected a "Thomas" book to bring home for Imp. When Imp spied the book and quickly retreated to the family room for some quiet reading time before dinner. The delight on his face in 'reading' delights Mommy and Daddy to no end.

February 17--Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss--Trust's school threw its annual birthday party for Dr. Seuss the night of February seventeenth. He would have been 108 years old on March second. The regular cast of characters were there, including the Cat in the Hat, Thing 1 and Thing 2, Sally, the Grinch and others. Third grade teachers read Seuss favorites and then the kids enjoyed cookies and milk before heading home to bed.

February 18--Wishful Thinking--Today reached 59 degrees! Trust went to play in the snow but decided to swing as we do in nicer months...just about one more month until spring!


  1. So funny about the crib. I love the Valentine's photo. I am so glad you decided to link up. I look forward to seeing your photos each week.

  2. How could I forget Dr. Suess' birthday??!! I even have a relative with that birthday!! sheesh! love the Valentine pic of your daughter... very cute!

  3. Sarah--Thank you. The funny thing about the crib is that the one who really sleeps in it hasn't tried to climb out, even with the older two coming and going.

    Seizing My Day--Thank you.
