Saturday, April 2, 2011

Frame-A-Day: Week 13: 3/26-4/1

*March 26--First Communion Retreat--Trust and I attended her First Communion retreat today.  There were four stations that each child needed to visit--a tour of the sanctuary and sacristy given by the priest, short videos about important qualities of Catholics and the Church, a review of the Last Supper followed by a tasting of the non-consecrated host so there would be no surprises on the Big Day, and making a banner which will be hung at the end of our assigned pew for the First Communion ceremony.  Note that this is not the full photo, but in the interest of privacy I had to crop the photo.  Also, no one else was taking photos, so I felt awkward taking a ton.  Not the greatest photo, but it captured what we did.

March 27--Book and Wine Rejuvenated--After an approximately three year hiatus, my Book and Wine Club is back. Kim hosted the first of hopefully many more get togethers. I have known some of these women for nine years (and one day), since wedding planning days back in 2002, but who is counting? Despite the length of time, there were still two new friends to meet today.

March 28--Happy Birthday!--We celebrated Chretien's birthday tonight because tomorrow night we have Trust's reading recital and we won't have time for cake, or homemade toll house cookie pie, as the case may be.

March 29--Reading Recital--The second graders at Trust's school have a reading recital at Barnes and Noble each year. All the kids have a chance to read for a few minutes from a book of their own choosing for family and friends. There is also a fund-raising component to provide additional books for her classroom. Trust selected "Don't Call Me Beanhead" because it made her laugh. Her selection was about a lost tooth winding up down the sink. She did a great job!

March 30--Pea Rolling--The boys were picking at their peas at dinner, rather than eating them. Chretien made up a game called "pea rolling", where they'd put one in their mouths and roll it around, all the while shaking their heads back and forth. Earnest took it up a notch and put 10 peas in his mouth all at once. Here you can see that round of pea rolling. Needless to say, more peas were eaten with the inclusion of this game.

March 31--Shaping Up--Imp loves the Curious George book "Discovery Day" with all types of interactive flaps to explore.

April 1--Snow? April Fools?--Or not. On April first we awoke to about 3-4" of wet, slushy snow. Trust decided to take advantage of the snow to make one last snowman of the season.


  1. Looks like a great week. Love the last one. ha ha! Thanks for linking up. Have a wonderful Sunday!

  2. Looks like a great week. We were suppose to get snow the 1st but thankfully all we got was rain.
