Saturday, April 16, 2011

I Heart Faces: Wind

The theme at I Heart Faces this week is wind. You can clearly see the wind playing in the girls' hair, even on this roller coaster for kids. 

Click here to see more entries.


  1. Oh how fun!! One of the best ways to experience the wind in your hair...on a roller coaster with your girlfriends :) LOVE IT!

  2. Looks like lots of fun! Great pic!

  3. Great shot of something zipping by you!

  4. I think your name is so creative and fun! Grumplestiltskin! I just love it : ) I can hardly wait for summer and the screams of the roller coaster : ) FUN!

  5. What a fun happy wind photo! Full of life, color, and action!

  6. I love the name of your blog - A Fairy Tale for Realists! I'm definitely a realist which I have to keep explaining to my husband, the idealist!

  7. @Laura--I have to live vicariously through most with regard to coasters, although I will ride this one. Saturday I wanted to wait for my family so I could try to capture wind.

    @Jessica--Thank you!

    @Medina Family--Thanks.

    @Life with Kaishon--My husband actually came up with the nickname for our daughter, and it does make me giggle. I would imagine that as it gets warmer and there are more coaster rides, we'll be hearing more of those screams, too.

    @Red Chestnut Photography--Thank you for your kind words.

    @Simple Girl--Thank you. Although I am a realist, too, I can still get caught up in flights of fancy.
